Learning the Binary System

This is a VERY easy concept to learn, it's amazing that the binary system is not common knowledge! In fact it's easier than the system you already know!

Bit Shifting

Bitshifting is the practice of shifting all the columns of a binary number to the left or the right. The left-shift operator in languages with a C like syntax look like this << . The left-shift operator will shift the bits to the left in a variable n times, with a default shift of 1 place. This means 00001011 shifted to the left once will now be 00010110. This effectively doubled the numbers magnitude. What happens with a number like 1011 though? Shifted once to the left, this number would end up 0110. This is because the left-shift operator is not an end-around carry operator. The original number is lost. When using the left-shift operator, you may shift 1, 2,...n times to the left by the syntax N << timesToShift; where N is the variable to be shifted and timesToShift is the, you guessed it, the # of times the variable is to be shifted.

# To Shift: Not Shifted N << 1 N << 2 N << 3
Number 10101100 01011000 10110000 01100000

This brings us the the right-shift. >>> The right-shift operator does the inverse of the left-shift. 101100 shifted once to the right would be 010011 all information shifted off the right is lost. The right-shift operator divides the number, if you right-shift once you have divided the number in half. If the number was an odd number, you are truncating the modulus.

# To Shift: Not Shifted N >>> 1 N >>> 2 N >>> 3
Number 10101100 01010110 00101011 00010101

Ok, so what happens when we are using 2's compliment and trying to bitshift in this manor? We get funny results! They've already thought about this, the operator is the arithmatic-right-shift operator. >> This operator is not an end-around carry operator, but it does pad with the state of the most significant bit (the polarity bit). For instance this number: 10001110 shifted right arithmetically 3 times would be 11110001. There is not an arithmatic-left-shift operator because it would not produce a number you could not derive from the operators already given.

# To Shift: Not Shifted N >>> 1 N >>> 2 N >>> 3
Number 10101100 11010110 11101011 11110101

# To Shift: Not Shifted N >>> 1 N >>> 2 N >>> 3
Number 00101100 00010110 00001011 00000101

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