The three pics represent a few ideas on Self-Regulation or, automatic regulation from the buffer system. One of these ideas is only designed to effect bolt bounce. That is the magnet in the buffer. The idea is to precisely delay the weight in the buffer to combat the bolt bounce by induction. The other idea, is engineered to completely reduce bolt carrier group velocity, by providing more resistance through induction. The faster the buffer (now completely replaced with magnets) is going the more induction it creates, thus the more force is acting against the linear motion of the carrier.
This is a Precision Armament Muzzle device (That stops the rifle dead, it's great!). However it's been modified to also compensate for the rotational forces caused by the projectile torquing the entire rifle counter-clockwise from the perspective of the shooter. The fins are titanium and are designed to create a sort of turbine to harness the exhaust of the compensator, counteracting the torquing effect.
I set up a wood and caster shooting rest to allow for torsional movement. I used a live center for lathes as the back stop for the AR. Using an iPhone's slow-motion capabilities (240fps is more than enough for this test) I was able to determine that the 55 grain stuff moves the rifle around 5 degrees (from this jig) counter clockwise from the shooters perspective. With the wings placed on the compensator, the rifle moves 6 degrees average clockwise. I have not tested the heaver 77gr projectiles yet, but I have a feeling that this setup should keep the rifle fairly close to neutral!
On another note: If I could start from scratch, I would make the barrel left-hand (reverse) threaded (like an AK). This way I wouldn't need a set screw on the bottom of the compensator, It would tighten itself.